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레이블이 AMA Medical Supply Houston인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 30일 토요일

About 'medical supplies houston'|...fluently. One of the girls was a medical doctor, one of the first black women...a good horse doctor. CD: Texas has supplied quite a few important black leaders...

About 'medical supplies houston'|...fluently. One of the girls was a medical doctor, one of the first black women...a good horse doctor. CD: Texas has supplied quite a few important black leaders...

As               a               Houston               resident               who               weathered               Hurricane               Ike               and               its               aftermath,               I               am               prepared               for               Tropical               Storm               Alex,               slated               to               be               upgraded               to               a               hurricane.

According               to               Click2Houston.com,               Houston               KPRC               Local2               chief               meteorologist               Frank               Billingsley               says:               "Alex               is               expected               to               be               a               Category               1               by               Tuesday               with               possibly               some               90               mph               winds.

The               best               bests               are               landfall               over               northern               Mexico,               maybe               southern               Texas."               He               continues               to               describe               the               effects               Tropical               Storm               Alex               has               on               Houston:               "Even               though               it               may               not               hit               us,               we're               already               feeling               some               of               its               effects               with               very               strong               weather               around               the               area.

The               heavy               rain               we're               getting               and               will               see               all               week               is               because               of               all               this               tropical               moisture               from               Alex."
               Whether               or               not               Tropical               Storm               Alex               is               upgraded               to               a               hurricane,               we               are               definitely               deep               into               hurricane               season.

So,               I,               like               many               other               Houston               residents,               am               making               sure               to               be               prepared.

The               first               way               to               do               this               is               to               be               informed.

The               My               Fox               Houston's               Hurricane               Guide               is               a               great               basic               start.

The               next               is               to               do               what               we               do               as               a               family               and               have               a               checklist               on               hand.

Today,               we               took               some               time               to               go               through               it               to               make               sure               everything               is               taken               care               of,               properly               stocked               and               at               the               ready               in               case               Tropical               Storm               Alex               becomes               a               hurricane.
               Today,               I               took               some               time               out               of               my               day               to               make               sure               all               vehicles               were               filled               with               gas.

With               Hurricane               Ike,               gas               was               unavailable               for               weeks,               and               then               prices               were               hiked               up               severely.

If               we               need               to               evacuate,               all               vehicles               are               filled.

If               we               weather               the               storm,               vehicles               are               available               for               emergency               outings.

We               also               double-checked               home               security               measures.

We               have               a               nanny               who               relocated               to               live               with               us,               and               this               is               her               first               hurricane               season.

So,               we               made               sure               she               knows               the               safe               areas               and               went               over               our               evacuation               and               survival               procedures.
               Our               family               and               several               other               who               are               close               with               us               have               survival               plans               in               place               for               any               emergency.

While               some               may               mock               us               for               this,               if               and               when               the               time               comes               when               it               is               needed,               we               will               have               the               last               laugh.

Our               network               has               evacuation               routes               and               meeting               spots               for               various               contingencies               outlined,               as               well               as               communication               procedures               for               times               of               emergency.

Each               party               has               food,               water,               medical               kits               and               survival               supplies.

We               actually               practice               these               procedures               regularly               to               whittle               response               times               to               a               minimum.

Today,               we               took               a               few               minutes               to               reiterate               those               pertinent               to               a               potential               hurricane,               and               to               get               our               nanny               up               to               speed.
               Our               "go               box"               is               always               within               reach,               but,               today,               we               moved               it               closer               to               the               front               door.

It               will               go               back               to               its               normal               place               when               the               heightened               sense               of               urgency               diminishes.

We               have               in               it               nonperishable               food               to               last               several               weeks,               bottled               water,               toilet               paper,               flashlights,               batteries,               a               radio,               candles,               matches,               dog               food,               extra               clothes               and               some               toys               for               kids.

We               also               have,               ready               to               go               at               a               moment's               notice,               rope,               camping               gear,               and               our               personal               weapons.

All               parties               in               the               house               know               how               to               dress               quickly               and               appropriately,               and               what               items               they               are               responsible               for               to               get               and               load               into               the               car               if               needed.
               We               are               among               those               who               some               may               consider               to               be               "over-prepared."               I               don't               think               there               is               any               such               thing.

I               was               fairly               comfortable               during               Hurricane               Ike               and,               if               Tropical               Storm               Alex               becomes               a               hurricane               -               or               there               is               any               other               that               hits               Houston               -               we               will               ensure               the               safety               of               our               family               by               being               as               prepared               as               possible.
               Click2Houston,               "Tropical               Storm               Alex               Churns               In               Gulf."               Click2Houston.com

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