2013년 11월 22일 금요일

Pablo Noble 's blog ::Considering the value of life... medical ethical issues at the beginning, middle and end of life

Pablo Noble 's blog ::Considering the value of life... medical ethical issues at the beginning, middle and end of life

This               area               is               served               by               the               911               system.

Highly               trained               and               professional               medical               emergency               personnel               from               Hermiston               Fire               and               Medical               Services               arrive               at               your               location               in               remarkably               fast               response               times.

Emergency               Medical               Care:
               Good               Shepherd               Hospital               Emergency               Room               
               610               N.W.

               Phone:               (541)               667-3400
               Good               Shepherd               is               rated               a               Trauma               Level               3               hospital.

For               immediate               life               threatening               emergencies,               broken               bones,               cardiac               crisis,               and               severe               illness               or               accident               the               best               place               to               go               for               immediate               top               of               the               line               care               is               the               emergency               room.
               Good               Shepherd               Hospital               emergency               room               is               modern,               efficient,               and               equipped               with               the               most               up               to               date               equipment.

It               is               staffed               by               highly               trained               professionals               who               keep               their               certifications               in               Advanced               Cardiac               Life               Saving,               and               Advanced               Trauma               Life               Saving               up               to               date.

Frequent               and               realistic               disaster               and               trauma               drills               keep               the               staff               on               top               of               their               game               and               it               shows               in               the               high               quality               and               sophistication               of               the               health               care.

I               would               feel               safe               referring               my               family               to               this               ER               for               any               health               care               crisis.
               In               addition               to               the               Emergency               room               the               Good               Shepherd               Complex               has               a               very               sophisticated               imaging               department,               laboratory,               physical               therapy,               physicians               offices,               maternity               ward,               surgieries               with               the               latest               technology               and               all               the               support               services               the               busy               ER               needs               for               immediate               and               follow               up               care.
               From               Highway               395               turn               West               on               Elm               Street               and               just               before               you               reach               11th               Street               you               will               see               the               Good               Shepherd               Hospital               complex               on               the               South               side               of               the               street               with               signs               directing               you               to               the               Emergency               Entrance.
               Urgent               Care               Centers:
               There               are               two               urgent               care               centers               in               town               for               those               issues               that               are               less               critical               or               not               immediately               life               threatening.

Both               of               these               care               centers               take               walk-in               patients               so               if               you               are               traveling               through               or               are               new               in               town               without               your               own               family               physician               then               choose               one               of               these               clinics.
               Urgent               Health               Care               Center               
               236               E.

               Hermiston,               Or.

               Phone:               (541)               567-1137
               This               clinic               deals               with               minor               injuries,               family               care,               minor               surgeries,               sports               and               Department               of               Transportation               physicals,               and               also               does               drug               testing               for               employment.

Some               families               in               town               have               made               this               clinic               their               health               care               of               choice               due               to               the               convenience               and               reasonable               cost.

The               clinic               is               conveniently               located               on               the               East               side               of               Highway               395               between               the               U.


Bank               and               Papa               Murphy's               Pizza.

If               you               are               coming               in               to               town               from               the               South               on               Highway               395               angle               to               the               East               in               front               of               the               Community               Center               Building               and               turn               right               on               Newport               Street.

The               clinic               is               on               the               right               side               of               the               street.
               Gifford               Medical               Center               
               1050               W.

Elm               St.

               Hermiston,               Or.

               Phone:               (541)               567-2995
               In               addition               to               the               Doctors               on               staff               this               clinic               is               staffed               with               Nurse               Practitioners               and               takes               walk-in               patients               as               well               as               appointments.

They               deal               with               urgent               issues               of               a               non-life               threatening               nature               such               as               injuries,               illness,               minor               surgeries,               and               lab               testing.

The               clinic               is               bright               and               clean               with               a               close               proximity               to               the               Good               Shepherd               Medical               Center.

If               you               are               on               Highway               395               turn               West               on               Elm               St.

and               the               clinic               will               be               on               the               right               just               before               you               reach               11th               Street.
               In               addition               to               the               Emergency               or               Urgent               care               needs               of               visitors               and               residents,               Hermiston               has               an               array               of               medical               services               that               includes               eye               care               to               podiatry               and               every               thing               in               between.

Those               services               can               be               accessed               by               appointment               or               referral.

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care medical equipment oregon
care medical equipment oregon

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care medical equipment oregon

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care medical equipment oregon
care medical equipment oregon

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care medical equipment oregon
care medical equipment oregon

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care medical equipment oregon
care medical equipment oregon

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