2013년 11월 23일 토요일

About 'medical rental equipment'|I Never Have the Right Equipment

About 'medical rental equipment'|I Never Have the Right Equipment

               Many               advantages               and               disadvantages               whether               to               own               a               private               business               or               a               franchise               (There               are               over               3,000               franchise               businesses).

Preference               to               choose               either               type               of               business               should               be               based               upon,               the               most               suitable               interest               for               success,               and               having               any               background               knowledge               or               experience.

Both               types               of               businesses,               provides               goodwill               towards               products,               services               and               custom               base,               that               has               been               created,               which               is               invaluable               or               hard               to               equate               in               terms               of               valuation.

Certainly               owning               a               franchise               is               more               restrictive               to               business               decisions,               which               is               handled               by               the               franchise               corporation.

If               an               entrepreneur               wants               to               take               control               of               all               business               decisions,               then               owning               a               private               business               is               the               best               approach.

First               step               should               be               spending               time               visiting               the               location,               and               observing               the               number               of               customers               and               how               many               purchase               items.

Further               details               are               listed.
               Consider               when               purchasing               a               private               business,               if               the               business               has               lease.

Determine               if               the               lease               allows               a               new               owner               to               purchase               the               business,               will               the               lease               be               renewed               for               new               ownership,               and               what               are               the               penalties               for               breaking               the               lease.

Examine               whether               the               business               location               has               sufficient               space               for               expansion               or               relocating               to               provide               more               space.

New               franchise               owner               is               restricted               to               move               the               business               to               a               new               location,               without               fringing               upon               an               area,               were               an               existing               franchise               location,               already               exist               or               prohibited               by               the               franchise               corporation.
               When               purchasing               a               private               business,               the               new               owner               may               need               financing,               usually               not               easy               to               obtain,               because               there               is               no               proven               track               record               of               the               new               owner               (Unless               a               previous               business               was               owned.).

United               States               Small               Business               Administration               can               help               provide               financing.

Operating               a               franchise,               the               corporation               often               helps               to               provide               necessary               financial               assistance               or               loans               for               new               owners.

Franchise               may               consider               previous               financial               success,               of               the               franchise               location,               when               granting               loan,               besides               the               financial               assets               of               the               new               owner.
               Having               insurance               for               any               type               of               business               is               essential               to               cover               any               unexpected               loss,               damage               expenses,               and               protecting               personal               assets.

Insurance               policy               should               cover:               flooding,               windstorm,               fire,               lightening,               earthquakes               (certain               regions               of               the               country),               arson,               theft,               fraud,               death               or               disability,               civil               lawsuits,               business               interruption,               vandalism,               roof               damage,               foundation               damage,               broken               glass               or               damage               to               building               and               structure               caused               by               looting,               and               or               rioting,               terminate               or               insect               damage,               and               mold/fungus               damage.

Also,               consider               purchasing               any               medical               insurance,               and               umbrella               policy.

Remembering               that               a               higher               deductible               will               reduce               insurance               premium.

Business               owners               can               refer               to               the               website:               SpendonLife.com               to               receive               quotes               on               various               types               of               business               insurance.

Franchise               Corporations               have               insurance               requirements,               regarding               ownership               and               minimum               amount               of               insurance               coverage.

Franchise               insurance               policy               would               cover               the               basic               insurance               needs,               which               are               similar               to               owning               a               private               business.

National               Franchise               Programs               Corporation               provides               all               types               of               insurance               coverage               for               various               franchise               ownerships               (Toll               Free               telephone               Number:               877               -               NFP               -               CORP),               and               InsuranceServices.com               (Toll               Free               telephone               Number:               800               -               296               -               4001).
               When               signing               a               franchise               contractual               agreement,               the               franchise               owner,               must               accept               all               the               terms:               Purchase               supplies,               merchandise,               (Including               any               generic               products)               and               equipment               exclusively               from               the               franchise,               maintain               certain               hours               of               operation               or               open               twenty-four               hours               a               day,               posting               sales               when               instructed,               and               more.

According               to               the               agreement,               the               franchise               will               decide               all               advertising               related               to               brand               or               trade               name.

Also,               provide               training,               financial               support,               and               other               related               operational               support.

Franchisor               has               legal               rights               to               terminate               the               franchise               agreement,               if               there               is               any               violation               of               the               agreement               or               failure               to               meet               financial               obligations.

Owning               a               private               business,               provides               the               ownership               flexibility               to               make               business               decisions,               regarding               the               purchase               of               supplies,               merchandise,               number               of               employees,               train               employees               any               manner,               and               selling               any               new               products.
               Franchise               agreement               provides               information               regarding               any               royalties               or               fees,               which               the               franchise               owner               must               pay               to               the               corporation.

Royalty               fees               are               usually               between,               one               to               fifteen               percent               of               gross               sales.

This               expense               has               to               be               considered,               in               regards               to               sufficient               income,               when               purchasing               an               existing               franchise.

If               the               previous               owner               was               able               to               pay               the               royalties               or               amount,               with               adequate               gross               income,               business               is               likely               to               continue               operating               the               same               or               better               with               new               management.

Sometimes               a               franchise               will               charge               extra               for               advertising.

These               expenditures               are               not               incurred               owning               a               private               business,               but               additional               cost               for               advertising               and               other               expenses               are               paid               by               private               ownership.
               Deciding               to               purchase               a               franchise               or               private               ownership               of               a               business,               recommend               hiring               an               attorney.

This               will               be               very               helpful               during               negotiations,               and               likely               prevent               any               unexpected               costs               or               liabilities.

According               to               federal               regulations,               a               franchise               must               provide               full               disclosure               at               least               ten               days               before               signing               a               contract,               and               State               laws               have               further               regulations               regarding               franchise               agreements.

Before               signing               a               franchise               agreement,               should               evaluate:               Track               record               of               franchise,               cost               to               purchase,               territory               will               be               exclusive,               what               products               will               be               sold,               any               services               provided               by               the               franchise,               past               historical               data               related               to               future               profits,               and               full               disclosure               of               any               related               bad               news,               regarding               the               history               of               the               franchise               (fraud,               embezzlement,               bankruptcy               or               unfair               business               practices).

Private               ownership               should               evaluate,               previous               financial               records,               including               tax               records               from               previous               quarters               and               years.

Also,               examine               all               expenses,               including               salaries,               pension               funding               obligations,               medical               expenses,               rental               agreements               or               leases,               and               determine               what               are               fixed               and               variable               costs.

Consider               hiring               an               independent               auditor,               and               consul               with               someone               that               has               experience,               purchasing               or               selling               the               business               of               interest.

Ask               the               employees               their               opinion,               how               well               the               business               is               operating,               and               ask               for               suggestions               that               will               improve               the               business.

Inquiry               at               the               city               and               state               government               agencies,               for               any               business               violations,               including               the               department               of               health,               and               fire               code               enforcement.
               Purchasing               any               type               of               business,               the               new               owner               should               strive               to               enhance               the               business               operation,               both               productively               and               profitability,               to               succeed.

The               website               QualityFranchise.com,               is               the               leading               resource               for               the               franchise               industry,               and               provides               franchise               opportunities               throughout               many               markets.

Also,               contact               local               Small               Business               Administration               for               a               consultation.

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medical rental equipment

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