레이블이 Electro Medical Equipment Baton Rouge인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Electro Medical Equipment Baton Rouge인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 23일 토요일

About 'electro medical equipment'|Bibliography

About 'electro medical equipment'|Bibliography

One               Second               After
by               William               R.

Read               by               Joe               Barrett
Produced               by               Blackstone               Audio
Approx               13.5               hours               Are               you               prepared               for               a               natural               disaster?

What               about               a               natural               disaster               that               wipes               out               the               entire               United               States               of               America's               fundamental               way               of               life?

We               all               like               to               say               that               we               have               learned               something               from               the               disaster               of               hurricane               Katrina               or               even               the               attacks               of               9/11,               but               those               disasters               had               something               in               common,               we               could               turn               on               the               television               or               radio               and               find               out               information               and               we               knew               help               was               eventually               on               the               way.
               "One               Second               After"               by               William               R.

Forstchen               explores               another               aspect               of               an               attack               on               the               U.S,               one               that               hits               us               in               our               soft               underbelly,               our               lives               in               the               modern               age               of               electronics.

Most               of               the               world,               especially               the               U.S,               have               come               to               rely               on               our               electronic               creature               comforts,               computers,               television,               diabetic               monitors,               pacemakers.

In               "On               Second               After"               those               are               completely               wiped               out.

There               is               a               weapon               in               existence               that               can               take               this               out,               an               EMP               weapon.

EMP               stands               for               Electro-magnetic               pulse,               It               was               actually               a               side               affect               of               a               nuclear               blast               and               the               pulse               created               from               early               tests               of               nuclear               weapons               found               that               electronics               were               severely               affected               by               these               pulses               rendering               them               useless.

Today               the               electronic               circuitry               in               every               day               devices               have               become               more               complex               and               more               susceptible               to               this               type               of               attack.
               In               this               cautionary               tale               3               nuclear               missiles               are               detonated               in               the               atmosphere               above               the               United               States               and               the               U.S.

is               rendered               useless.

Every               electronic               device               ceases               to               work,               computers,               phones,               radios,               cars               and               medical               equipment.

Basically               anything               with               a               chip               in               it               ceases               to               function.
               This               story               follows               the               citizens               of               Black               Mountain,               North               Carolina               as               they               fight               for               survival               in               what               has               turned               the               clocks               back               to               medieval               times.

The               town               of               Black               Mountain               is               home               to               a               small               college               which               has               a               former               Army               colonel,               who               retired               to               be               with               his               wife               in               her               final               days               as               she               died               from               cancer.

He               is               now               teaching               and               raising               his               two               young               daughters               in               small               town,               U.S.A.
               Once               the               power               is               out               the               community               must               reform               its               thinking               to               a               survival               mode,               no               supplies               will               ever               come               in,               no               one               knows               what               is               going               on               outside               of               city               limits               and               only               a               small               handful               of               cars               will               run.

The               town               takes               to               rationing               food               and               medical               supplies               as               the               population               dies               off               from               disease               and               starvation.

They               then               begin               to               rebuild               and               try               to               survive               with               makeshift               soup               lines               from               the               area's               cattle               farms               and               what               little               food               can               be               hunted               in               the               mountains.
               Just               when               the               town               starts               to               level               out               from               the               deaths               of               those               that               would               normally               be               treated               at               modern               facilities,               a               horde               of               what               used               to               be               "gang-bangers"               threaten               the               town.

This               threat               is               some               of               the               more               violent               dregs               of               society               getting               by               with               what               they               know               and               are               cutting               a               swath               of               death               and               destruction               to               loot               the               towns               to               survive.

The               most               vicious               of               crimes               this               "gang"               perpetrates               is               that               of               cannibalism.
               Most               of               the               issues               explored               in               this               story               are               told               through               the               impacts               of               one               family               surviving.

This               creates               a               personal               feel               to               the               story               and               I               was               completely               swallowed               up               by               their               exploits.

The               story               even               had               me               wondering,               "What               would               I               do?"               and               "How               can               I               prepare               myself?"
               Joe               Barrett               delivers               this               audiobook               with               a               great               voice               that               easily               gives               you               that               hometown               storyteller               comfort               and               yet               delivers               the               entire               gamut               of               emotions               in               this               story.
               With               the               forward               written               by               Newt               Gingrich               and               the               afterword               written               by               Capt.

Bill               Sanders,               USN.

The               reality               of               this               situation               is               really               hit               home.

Not               a               matter               of               If               but               When.

While               this               may               be               what               seems               a               sci-fi               tale               of               a               post               apocalypse               world,               it               does               have               its               basis               in               reality.

Be               careful               listening               to               this               audiobook,               you'll               find               yourself               fully               absorbed               by               the               story               and               planning               your               survival               at               the               same               time.

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