레이블이 Medical Equipment On Sale인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Medical Equipment On Sale인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 23일 토요일

About 'medical supplies sales'|Medical Sales Representative Resume

About 'medical supplies sales'|Medical Sales Representative Resume

If               you               are               like               me,               you               hear               about               a               natural               disaster,               like               Earthquake               2010               in               Haiti               and               want               to               help.

But               money               is               tight               and               while               you               know               Haitians               need               help,               your               bills               must               still               be               paid.

Did               you               know               that               there               are               free               ways               to               help               in               Haiti?

Here               are               some               ways               that               you               can               support               and               send               aid               to               people               in               Haiti               and               all               over               the               world               that               do               not               cost               you               anything.

Visit               this               website:               The               Hunger               Site               (click               here)               .The               Hunger               Site               is               unique.

There               is               a               link               that               you               can               click               once               daily.

Clicking               this               link               sends               1.1               cup               of               food               (usually               dry               rice)               to               places               in               need.

Advertisers               on               The               Hunger               Site               do               not               pay               for               advertising.

Instead,               they               contribute               food.

It's               that               simple.

Bookmark               The               Hunger               Site               and               click               daily.

Sign               up               for               email               reminders               to               click               daily.
               If               you               want               to               take               your               giving               one               step               further,               order               some               items               from               The               Hunger               Site               Fair               Trade               online               store.

The               Hunger               Site               sells               fair               trade               and               organic               clothing,               jewelry,               books,               candles,               home               decor,               coffee,               sweets               and               chocolate.

The               Hunger               Site               sells               fair               trade,               handmade               cottage               industry               crafts,               stationary,               such               as               rice               bag               purses               and               handbags,               hand               beaded               cell               phone               cases,               wallets               made               from               recycled               tires,               bamboo               clothing               and               much               more.

Money               generated               from               sales               goes               right               into               the               pockets               of               men,               women               and               families               who               made               the               items.
               These               items               sold               make               excellent               gifts.

And               every               order               placed               through               The               Hunger               Site               sends               more               food               to               places               in               need.

My               mother               and               I               have               made               a               commitment               to               do               our               birthday               and               Christmas               gift               shopping               through               The               Hunger               Site.

We               feel               so               pleased               when               we               have               placed               our               order,               to               see               how               much               food               will               be               sent               to               those               who               are               hungry.

At               no               extra               cost               to               us.

Mom               proudly               shared               that               with               our               Christmas               presents               that               she               ordered               from               The               Hunger               Site,               200               cups               of               food               were               sent               out.

And               we               were               able               to               enjoy               fair               trade               gifts:               a               little               set               of               hand               painted               Matroyshka               nested               cats               for               Emma.

A               lovely               hand               woven               scarf               made               by               a               woman               in               Nepal               for               Molly.

And               other               inexpensive               fair               trade               gifts.
               When               you               click               on               The               Hunger               Site,               be               sure               to               look               at               the               tabs               across               the               top.

There               are               six               linked               sites               that               you               can               click               daily               to               donate,               besides               The               Hunger               Site               and               I               do               happily               every               day.
               The               Child               Health               Site               (click               here)               donates               medical               supplies               to               those               in               need.

Haiti               is               receiving               supplies               right               now.
               The               Literacy               Site               (click               here)               sends               books               to               children               around               the               globe               and               spreads               the               mission               of               literacy.
               The               Breast               Cancer               Site               (click               here)               Funds               Breast               Cancer               Awareness               and               free               mammograms               for               women               in               need.
               The               Rain               Forest               Site               (click               here)               Clicks               and               purchases               help               to               save               precious               wetlands               and               rain               forests               from               being               destroyed.
               The               Animal               Rescue               Site               (click               here)               Clicks               fund               adoption               agencies               and               spay               and               neuter               services.
               Teachers               and               homeschoolers,               please               check               out               The               Hunger               Site               wide               array               of               free               materials               and               resources               for               your               classroom               and               homeschool               students.

For               more               opportunities               to               give               in               Haiti,               around               the               world               and               in               your               neighborhood,               visit               me               at               www.allaboutgiving.blogspot.com.

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