레이블이 Medical Supplies인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Medical Supplies인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 12월 1일 일요일

About 'medical supplies los angeles'|City of Los Angeles Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Policy According to ZD (Part 1):

About 'medical supplies los angeles'|City of Los Angeles Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Policy According to ZD (Part 1):

Five               days               on,               survivors               are               still               being               found               after               the               devastating               Haiti               earthquake.

At               the               airport               aid               is               piling               up               fast,               blankets               and               medicines               have               arrived               but               more               doctors               are               needed.

Also               a               new               warning               has               been               issued               that               there               is               a               shortage               of               fuel               and               this               could               hamper               the               relief               operation.
               Food               is               a               currency               of               survival               and               getting               food               and               water               supplies               to               the               Haitians               is               a               top               priority.

There               are               teams               helping,               from               forty               countries               around               the               world.

Rescue               teams               continue               to               find               people               alive               and               Worldwide               Organisations               are               taking               donations               via               the               internet.
               In               the               UK,               according               to               The               Sun,               Soccer               Stars               Thierry               Henry               and               Frank               Lampard               and               TV's               Theo               Paphitis               have               backed               the               Sun's               Helping               Haiti               appeal.

Other               celebrities               that               followed               suit               include               Katie               Price               (Jordan),               ex               Spice               Girl               Emma               Bunton               and               glamour               girl               Kasabian.
               Theo               from               the               Dragons'               Den               is               said               to               have               donated               £10,000               to               the               appeal,               pop               star               Mika               offered               £1,000               and               X               Factor               winners               Alexandra               Burke               and               Leona               Lewis               have               also               signed               up               to               help.
               Many               celebrities               are               doing               all               they               can               to               put               their               stardom               to               good               use               by               encouraging               people               to               support               the               Haiti               appeal.

Coldplay's               Chris               Martin               who               is               reported               to               having               visited               Haiti               with               Oxfam               a               few               years               ago,               is               urging               people               to               give               donations               to               the               Oxfam's               Haiti               appeal.

He               describes               the               earthquake               that               has               struck               Haiti               as               likely               to               have               'turned               the               city               into               an               unimaginable               hell.'
               According               to               InStyle.co.uk               Hollywood               couple               Brad               Pitt               and               Angelina               Jolie               have               donated               $1               million               to               the               emergency               medical               operation               responding               to               the               7.0               magnitude               earthquake.

The               money               will               go               to               help               Doctors               Without               Borders               whose               three               hospitals               were               severely               damaged               in               the               earthquake               ravaged               zone.
               In               Los               Angeles,               George               Clooney               is               organising               a               telethon               to               raise               cash               and               awareness               for               the               devastated               Caribbean               nation.

His               plans               call               for               a               celebrity-filled               help-fest               that               will               be               aired               on               all               MTV               channels               worldwide               on               Friday.
               Oprah               Winfrey               is               urging               viewers               of               her               TV               talk               show               to               donate               to               the               Red               Cross               while               singer               Wyclef               Jean               is               reported               to               have               flew               to               Haiti               immediately               on               hearing               news               of               the               earthquake.

He               urged,               "I               cannot               stress               enough               what               a               human               disaster               this               is,               and               idle               hands               will               only               make               this               tragedy               worse.


We               must               act               now!"
               Madonna,               it               is               reported               has               given               $250,00               to               help               the               people               of               Haiti               and               is               urging               her               friends               and               fans               to               "match               my               contribution               or               give               in               any               way               you               can."
               Some               celebrities               like               Shakira               are               using               their               personal               websites               to               ask               people               to               donate               cash               to               the               appeal               and               are               doing               what               they               can               to               get               the               word               out.

Yoko               Ono,               Demi               Moore,               Joey               Mcintyre               and               Kim               Kardashian               are               just               some               of               the               celebrities               who               have               taken               to               their               Twitter               pages               to               raise               awareness               of               the               tragedy.

Celebrities               and               their               fans               are               responding               to               the               devastating               earthquake               with               prayers,               calls               for               aid               and               up-dated               news.

Kirstie               Alley               has               been               tweeting               about               Haiti               since               she               first               heard               about               the               earthquake               as               has               Peter               Facinelli.
               As               celebrities               push               to               raise               awareness               of               the               devastating               earthquake,               concerned               people               the               world               over               are               clicking               on               websites,               writing               out               cheques,               using               their               mobile               phones               and               joining               in               fund-raising               exercises               to               aid               organisations               working               to               help               the               Haittian               people               in               every               way               possible.
               Celebrity               Appeal               for               Earthquake
               Help               Relief               Efforts
               American               Celebrities               and               Haiti               Appeal

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      ...... AND ANY OTHER MEDICAL MARIJUANA FACITLITY!!! WHERE...ALL!!! ALRIGHT CITY OF LOS ANGELES... YOU WANT IT... YOU...or resonable in your supply of the communities...
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    2013년 11월 25일 월요일

    About 'medical supplies miami'|wikileaks Guyana – report on cuban, chinese & other foreign medical assistance

    About 'medical supplies miami'|wikileaks Guyana – report on cuban, chinese & other foreign medical assistance

    Haitian               Heritage               and               Friends               of               Haiti               marked               the               one               year               anniversary               of               their               trip               to               bring               relief               efforts               to               Haiti               following               the               January               12,               2010               earthquake.

    For               those               living               in               Charlotte               who               are               familiar               with               this               local               group,               it               may               seem               hard               to               believe               this               much               time               has               passed.

    The               health               of               those               living               in               Haiti               remains               a               constant               concern               for               Haitian               Heritage               and               Friends               of               Haiti               as               well               as               other               groups               in               Charlotte               involved               with               relief               efforts.

    Although               much               has               been               done               to               bring               medical               supplies               as               well               as               food,               water               and               clothing               to               those               remaining               in               Haiti,               there               is               more               to               be               done.
                   Haitian               Heritage               and               Friends               of               Haiti,               also               referred               to               as               HHFoH,               is               a               group               based               in               Charlotte.

    This               organization               and               other               groups               have               worked               together               to               gather               donations               and               collect               items               to               meet               the               daily               needs               of               those               who               survived               the               earthquake               in               Haiti               in               2010.
                   To               improve               the               health               conditions               of               those               living               in               Haiti               portable               bathrooms               are               being               delivered               to               Haiti               with               the               help               of               Haitian               Heritage               and               Friends               of               Haiti.
                   Those               following               the               details               of               the               efforts               of               churches               in               Charlotte,               HHFoH,               as               well               as               other               charitable               organizations               know               some               local               residents               have               been               making               donations               for               Haiti               for               decades.
                   The               earthquake               that               occurred               in               Haiti               on               January               12,               2010               compounded               what               may               have               already               seemed               like               an               impossible               situation.

    Medical               personnel,               an               ambulance               that               HHFoH               was               able               to               bring               to               Haiti,               medical               supplies               and               civilian               volunteers               were               greatly               appreciated               by               those               in               Haiti.

    A               second               ambulance               will               be               delivered               this               year               to               be               used               as               a               mobile               clinic.
                   According               to               information               that               was               published               on               Wikipedia.org,               the               government               in               Haiti               estimates               more               than               300,000               people               were               killed,               and               another               300,000               were               left               homeless               following               the               earthquake               of               2010.

    The               work               in               Haiti               will               no               doubt               continue               for               generations.
                   Sabine               Guerrier,               currently               serving               as               President               of               Haitian               Heritage               and               Friends               of               Haiti,               stated               the               following               in               a               recent               communication:
                   "The               preparation               was               equally               as               important               as               going               there..........We               couldn't               have               done               it               without               the               hard               work               of               the               Charlotte               Community               who               donated               hours               of               volunteer               time               collecting               supplies,               sorting               and               packaging               them,               driving               to               Miami               to               ship               them,               etc....

    The               collaborative               work               from               the               community               made               us               successful               and               I               am               eternally               grateful."
                   For               more               details               about               what               is               being               done               by               Charlotte               groups               such               as               Haitian               Heritage               and               Friends               of               Haiti,               view               this               site.

    Anyone               wanting               to               contact               HHFoH               may               do               so               with               details               on               the               site.
                   Also,               a               video               about               relief               efforts               that               Haitian               Heritage               and               Friends               of               Haiti               will               continue               to               be               involved               in               can               be               seen               on               www.youtube.com               by               following               this               link.

                   Sabine               Guerrier

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    2013년 11월 23일 토요일

    About 'medical supplies sales'|Medical Sales Representative Resume

    About 'medical supplies sales'|Medical Sales Representative Resume

    If               you               are               like               me,               you               hear               about               a               natural               disaster,               like               Earthquake               2010               in               Haiti               and               want               to               help.

    But               money               is               tight               and               while               you               know               Haitians               need               help,               your               bills               must               still               be               paid.

    Did               you               know               that               there               are               free               ways               to               help               in               Haiti?

    Here               are               some               ways               that               you               can               support               and               send               aid               to               people               in               Haiti               and               all               over               the               world               that               do               not               cost               you               anything.

    Visit               this               website:               The               Hunger               Site               (click               here)               .The               Hunger               Site               is               unique.

    There               is               a               link               that               you               can               click               once               daily.

    Clicking               this               link               sends               1.1               cup               of               food               (usually               dry               rice)               to               places               in               need.

    Advertisers               on               The               Hunger               Site               do               not               pay               for               advertising.

    Instead,               they               contribute               food.

    It's               that               simple.

    Bookmark               The               Hunger               Site               and               click               daily.

    Sign               up               for               email               reminders               to               click               daily.
                   If               you               want               to               take               your               giving               one               step               further,               order               some               items               from               The               Hunger               Site               Fair               Trade               online               store.

    The               Hunger               Site               sells               fair               trade               and               organic               clothing,               jewelry,               books,               candles,               home               decor,               coffee,               sweets               and               chocolate.

    The               Hunger               Site               sells               fair               trade,               handmade               cottage               industry               crafts,               stationary,               such               as               rice               bag               purses               and               handbags,               hand               beaded               cell               phone               cases,               wallets               made               from               recycled               tires,               bamboo               clothing               and               much               more.

    Money               generated               from               sales               goes               right               into               the               pockets               of               men,               women               and               families               who               made               the               items.
                   These               items               sold               make               excellent               gifts.

    And               every               order               placed               through               The               Hunger               Site               sends               more               food               to               places               in               need.

    My               mother               and               I               have               made               a               commitment               to               do               our               birthday               and               Christmas               gift               shopping               through               The               Hunger               Site.

    We               feel               so               pleased               when               we               have               placed               our               order,               to               see               how               much               food               will               be               sent               to               those               who               are               hungry.

    At               no               extra               cost               to               us.

    Mom               proudly               shared               that               with               our               Christmas               presents               that               she               ordered               from               The               Hunger               Site,               200               cups               of               food               were               sent               out.

    And               we               were               able               to               enjoy               fair               trade               gifts:               a               little               set               of               hand               painted               Matroyshka               nested               cats               for               Emma.

    A               lovely               hand               woven               scarf               made               by               a               woman               in               Nepal               for               Molly.

    And               other               inexpensive               fair               trade               gifts.
                   When               you               click               on               The               Hunger               Site,               be               sure               to               look               at               the               tabs               across               the               top.

    There               are               six               linked               sites               that               you               can               click               daily               to               donate,               besides               The               Hunger               Site               and               I               do               happily               every               day.
                   The               Child               Health               Site               (click               here)               donates               medical               supplies               to               those               in               need.

    Haiti               is               receiving               supplies               right               now.
                   The               Literacy               Site               (click               here)               sends               books               to               children               around               the               globe               and               spreads               the               mission               of               literacy.
                   The               Breast               Cancer               Site               (click               here)               Funds               Breast               Cancer               Awareness               and               free               mammograms               for               women               in               need.
                   The               Rain               Forest               Site               (click               here)               Clicks               and               purchases               help               to               save               precious               wetlands               and               rain               forests               from               being               destroyed.
                   The               Animal               Rescue               Site               (click               here)               Clicks               fund               adoption               agencies               and               spay               and               neuter               services.
                   Teachers               and               homeschoolers,               please               check               out               The               Hunger               Site               wide               array               of               free               materials               and               resources               for               your               classroom               and               homeschool               students.

    For               more               opportunities               to               give               in               Haiti,               around               the               world               and               in               your               neighborhood,               visit               me               at               www.allaboutgiving.blogspot.com.

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    5. kenyanjobs.blogspot.com/   02/19/2013
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