2013년 11월 30일 토요일

About 'medical supplies houston'|...fluently. One of the girls was a medical doctor, one of the first black women...a good horse doctor. CD: Texas has supplied quite a few important black leaders...

About 'medical supplies houston'|...fluently. One of the girls was a medical doctor, one of the first black women...a good horse doctor. CD: Texas has supplied quite a few important black leaders...

As               a               Houston               resident               who               weathered               Hurricane               Ike               and               its               aftermath,               I               am               prepared               for               Tropical               Storm               Alex,               slated               to               be               upgraded               to               a               hurricane.

According               to               Click2Houston.com,               Houston               KPRC               Local2               chief               meteorologist               Frank               Billingsley               says:               "Alex               is               expected               to               be               a               Category               1               by               Tuesday               with               possibly               some               90               mph               winds.

The               best               bests               are               landfall               over               northern               Mexico,               maybe               southern               Texas."               He               continues               to               describe               the               effects               Tropical               Storm               Alex               has               on               Houston:               "Even               though               it               may               not               hit               us,               we're               already               feeling               some               of               its               effects               with               very               strong               weather               around               the               area.

The               heavy               rain               we're               getting               and               will               see               all               week               is               because               of               all               this               tropical               moisture               from               Alex."
               Whether               or               not               Tropical               Storm               Alex               is               upgraded               to               a               hurricane,               we               are               definitely               deep               into               hurricane               season.

So,               I,               like               many               other               Houston               residents,               am               making               sure               to               be               prepared.

The               first               way               to               do               this               is               to               be               informed.

The               My               Fox               Houston's               Hurricane               Guide               is               a               great               basic               start.

The               next               is               to               do               what               we               do               as               a               family               and               have               a               checklist               on               hand.

Today,               we               took               some               time               to               go               through               it               to               make               sure               everything               is               taken               care               of,               properly               stocked               and               at               the               ready               in               case               Tropical               Storm               Alex               becomes               a               hurricane.
               Today,               I               took               some               time               out               of               my               day               to               make               sure               all               vehicles               were               filled               with               gas.

With               Hurricane               Ike,               gas               was               unavailable               for               weeks,               and               then               prices               were               hiked               up               severely.

If               we               need               to               evacuate,               all               vehicles               are               filled.

If               we               weather               the               storm,               vehicles               are               available               for               emergency               outings.

We               also               double-checked               home               security               measures.

We               have               a               nanny               who               relocated               to               live               with               us,               and               this               is               her               first               hurricane               season.

So,               we               made               sure               she               knows               the               safe               areas               and               went               over               our               evacuation               and               survival               procedures.
               Our               family               and               several               other               who               are               close               with               us               have               survival               plans               in               place               for               any               emergency.

While               some               may               mock               us               for               this,               if               and               when               the               time               comes               when               it               is               needed,               we               will               have               the               last               laugh.

Our               network               has               evacuation               routes               and               meeting               spots               for               various               contingencies               outlined,               as               well               as               communication               procedures               for               times               of               emergency.

Each               party               has               food,               water,               medical               kits               and               survival               supplies.

We               actually               practice               these               procedures               regularly               to               whittle               response               times               to               a               minimum.

Today,               we               took               a               few               minutes               to               reiterate               those               pertinent               to               a               potential               hurricane,               and               to               get               our               nanny               up               to               speed.
               Our               "go               box"               is               always               within               reach,               but,               today,               we               moved               it               closer               to               the               front               door.

It               will               go               back               to               its               normal               place               when               the               heightened               sense               of               urgency               diminishes.

We               have               in               it               nonperishable               food               to               last               several               weeks,               bottled               water,               toilet               paper,               flashlights,               batteries,               a               radio,               candles,               matches,               dog               food,               extra               clothes               and               some               toys               for               kids.

We               also               have,               ready               to               go               at               a               moment's               notice,               rope,               camping               gear,               and               our               personal               weapons.

All               parties               in               the               house               know               how               to               dress               quickly               and               appropriately,               and               what               items               they               are               responsible               for               to               get               and               load               into               the               car               if               needed.
               We               are               among               those               who               some               may               consider               to               be               "over-prepared."               I               don't               think               there               is               any               such               thing.

I               was               fairly               comfortable               during               Hurricane               Ike               and,               if               Tropical               Storm               Alex               becomes               a               hurricane               -               or               there               is               any               other               that               hits               Houston               -               we               will               ensure               the               safety               of               our               family               by               being               as               prepared               as               possible.
               Click2Houston,               "Tropical               Storm               Alex               Churns               In               Gulf."               Click2Houston.com

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    Known               to               all               customers,               inventory               is               the               key               to               going               to               any               store.

    If               the               supplies               are               not               there,               customers               lose               faith               in               their               supplier               and               look               elsewhere               for               the               merchandise.

    Perhaps               the               biggest               problem               K-mart               has               is               its               ability               to               keep               stock               on               the               shelves.

    K-mart               in               2001               was               able               to               keep               its               goods               fully               stocked               on               shelves               only               86%               of               the               time.

    In               the               industry,               anything               less               than               90%               is               considered               unacceptable.

    Wal-Mart,               however,               runs               close               to               100%.

    Wal-Mart               and               others               have               emphasized               "everyday               low               price"               selling,               which               is               more               predictable               for               both               customers               and               the               distribution               system.

    Inventory,               for               such               retailers               as               K-mart               is               having               a               negative               effect.

    On               the               average,               K-mart's               inventory               swells               up               as               sales               fall.

    In               the               beginning               of               2002,               for               example,               inventories               rose               by               5.6%               as               sales               fell               for               K-mart.

    It               is               estimated               that               K-mart's               cash               flow               would               drop               by               $40               million               for               each               1%               increase               in               inventory               if               this               problem               persisted.

    The               bottom               line               is               that               in               the               third               quarter               of               2001,               Wal-Mart               raked               in               $52.7               Billion               Dollars               while               K-mart               only               made               $8               Billion               (Saporito,               Buamohl,               Szczesny).

    Wal-Mart               is               the               power               house               it               is               today               because               of               its               readiness               to               share               information               with               its               suppliers.

    As               the               store               chain               saw               the               benefits               of               sharing               data               with               suppliers,               they               moved               the               information               online               on               its               Retail               Link               Web               site.

    Rena               Granofsky,               a               senior               partner               at               J.C.

    Williams               Group               Ltd.,               a               Toronto-based               retail               consulting               firms               says               that               Wal-Mart               approached               its               suppliers               as               if               they               were               partners               and               not               adversaries,               and               by               implementing               such               a               collaborative               planning,               forecasting               and               replenishment               program,               they               have               began               a               just-in-time               inventory               program               that               reduced               carrying               costs               for               both               the               retailer               and               its               supplier.

    Therefore               there               is               a               lot               less               excess               inventory               in               the               supply               chain               because               of               this               system.

    This               type               of               efficiency               is               a               key               in               maintaining               low               price               leadership               amount               retailers               as               well               as               allowing               for               far               lower               cost               margins               due               to               the               supply               chain.

    The               company's               cost               of               goods               is               estimated               5%               to               10%
                   less               than               most               of               its               competitors               (Johnson).

    Basically               Wal-Mart               is               better               at               obtaining               better               terms               from               suppliers               and               having               lower               overhead.

    Due               to               this,               Wal-Mart               sales               rose               15.5%               in               the               third               quarter               of               2001.
                   K-mart's               problems               stem               from               poor               marketing               strategy               to               lack               of               innovation.

    Its               management               team               has               made               some               very               poor               choices               when               it               comes               to               a               marketing               strategy               which               detrimentally               affected               its               supply               chain.

    Everyone               remembers               K-mart's               famous               "Blue               Light"               specials,               as               the               retailer               used               advertising               circulars               to               lure               customers.

    Even               though               this               worked,               it               also               put               a               strain               on               merchandising               and               distribution               systems               because               particular               demand               for               items               came               in               sudden               waves.

    It               also               opened               the               door               to               product               mistakes               leaving               K-mart               with               either               too               much               of               one               product               or               not               enough               of               another.

    Promotions               also               forced               costs               up               at               K-mart's               suppliers,               as               they               could               not               reliably               predict               manufacturing               runs.

    Furthermore,               after               finding               out               that               ad               circulars               did               not               work               as               well               as               they               used               to               because               of               the               massive               waves               of               merchandise               ads,               K-mart               decided               to               take               itself               away               from               the               weekly               circulars.

    However,               in               the               third               quarter               of               2001,               the               company               cut               back               too               fast               and               left               loyal               ad               customers               in               the               cold.

    Although               management               did               try               to               counteract               the               problem               by               cutting               prices               on               some               $38,000               worth               of               items,               without               the               ads               customers               were               not               informed               of               the               price               cut               and               this               resulted               in               K-mart               sales               dropping               by               2.2%               in               the               third               quarter.

    At               the               same               time,               Wal-Mart               management               caught               on               to               the               price               cuts               and               followed               suit               reeling               in               even               more               customers               than               before               (Saporito,               Baumohl,               Szczesny).
                   In               order               to               counteract               supply               chain               problems,               technology               had               to               play               a               large               role               in               the               distribution               process.

    Unfortunately,               while               Wal-Mart               was               a               pioneer               of               using               technology               in               the               distribution               process,               K-mart               only               recently               started               this               venture.

    Wal-Mart               invested               in               technological               systems               earlier               than               most               of               its               competitors,               starting               to               use               computers               to               track               inventory               in               1969.

    In               1980               it               was               the               first               to               adopt               bar               codes               and               in               1985               it               instituted               Electronic               Data               Interchange               which               rang               up               sales               and               tracked               inventory               deductions               to               better               coordinate               with               suppliers.

    Wireless               scanning               guns               were               later               used               in               the               late               1980's.

    In               1987               a               massive               satellite               system               linked               all               of               the               stores'               company               headquarters,               enabling               Wal-Mart's               centralized               IT               department               to               view               real-time               inventory               data               (Johnson).

    These               implementations               allowed               Wal-Mart               to               reduce               its               inventory               and               gain               savings.
                   In               2002,               K-Mart's               CEO               James               Conaway               started               trying               to               figure               out               how               to               lead               the               chain               out               of               its               supply               chain               troubles.

    He               determined               that               the               problem               lied               in               underinvestment               in               technology.

    The               scanners               in               the               stores               were               outdated               and               didn't               feed               purchasing               information               back               to               headquarters               leaving               the               central               planning               system               without               enough               information               about               what               customers               wanted               in               terms               of               inventory.

    Forbes               Magazine               noted               that               when               Conaway               came               to               K-Mart,               late               delivery               to               stores               by               distribution               centers               was               11%               of               the               time               or               1               in               10               deliveries.

    This               was               a               big               setback               as               most               retailers               are               late               only               5%               of               the               time.

    Even               when               the               inventory               was               being               received               by               the               stores               on               time,               the               supply               chain               on               average               was               wrong               on               15%               of               stores'               orders               received               from               distribution               centers.

    In               an               effort               to               fix               the               detrimental               effects               of               the               lack               of               technological               capability               for               the               K-Mart               Corporation,               the               new               CEO               devoted               $1.7               billion               to               upgrade               store               and               back-office               technology               including               new               software               to               fix               the               problems.

    There               was               an               additional               $200               million               invested               on               high-tech               checkout               scanners               from               IBM.

    Also,               a               new               project,               "Project               Elmo,"               was               devoted               to               a               400-person               initiative               to               combine               two               separate               hard-line               and               soft-line               purchasing               systems               into               one.

    This               conversion               would               eliminate               5,000               computer               jobs               and               get               merchandise               to               the               stores               two               weeks               faster.

    There               would               also               be               a               renovation               of               demand-planning               and               forecasting               software               to               get               the               right               goods               into               stores,               reducing               the               replenishment               cycle               from               the               current               5-7               day               levels               to               between               48-72               hours               (Hartmann).

    However               it               would               take               some               time               before               these               changes               could               be               fully               implemented               and               used               efficiently               to               turn               things               around               for               K-Mart.
                   Business               Week               author               Joann               Muller               thinks               that               adding               full-line               groceries               to               core               urban               stores,               developing               more               unique,               fixing               supply               chain               problems,               and               improving               marketing               to               give               consumers               a               reason               to               shop,               will               significantly               help               K-mart's               problems               (Muller).

    If               K-Mart               had               been               as               efficient               in               selling               as               Wal-Mart,               it               could               have               earned               $200               million               in               the               third               quarter               of               the               2001               season               instead               of               losing               $224               million.

    During               the               critical               Christmas               season               2001,               Wal-Mart               increased               sales               by               an               estimated               6%;               K-Mart               will               probably               report               a               2%               decrease               (Saporito,               Baumohl,               Szczesny).

    It               will               take               a               lot               of               catch               up               and               innovation               before               K-Mart               can               make               up               for               its               lack               of               innovation               and               efficiency               in               its               supply               chain               management               and               retail               business               to               even               get               close               to               the               retail               giant               Wal-Mart's               numbers.

    Furthermore,               Wal-Mart               is               making               it               even               harder               for               others               by               still               innovating               and               staying               on               top               of               the               supply               chain               management               system.

    It               is               always               attempting               to               make               its               IT               infrastructure               more               efficient,               most               recently               with               planned               radio               frequency               identification               (RFID)               microchips,               replacing               bar               codes               and               security               tags               with               a               combination               technology               that               costs               less               money               (Johnson).

    This               will               definitely               make               Wal-Mart               an               unstoppable               force               as               it               keeps               setting               the               highest               standard               in               the               industry.
                   Works               Cited
                   Hartmann,               Chris.

    "Hospitality               Industry               Innovation               in               Technology               A               call               to               Arms."               HVS               International.

                   Johnson,               Amy               Helen.

    "A               New               Supply               Chain               Forged."               Computer               World.


                   Muller,               Joann.

    "Attention               Kmart:               Find               a               Niche."               Business               Week.


    Issue               3768,               p72.
                   Saporito,               Bill               and               Baumohl,               Bernard               and               Szczesny,               Joseph               R.

    "K               Mart's               Blue               Period."               Time.



    159,               Issue               2,               p45.


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    Stop               and               think               for               a               moment.

    In               1946               the               world               already               had               the               computer,               television,               radio,               radar,               jet               aircraft,               rocket               technology,               automobiles,               submarines,               refrigerators,               telephones,               x-ray,               nuclear               power,               and               coca-cola.

    True,               most               of               those               were               in               "primitive"               form               compared               to               today's               technology               but               still               the               basics               were               there.

    The               point               is               that               not               much               has               changed               and               at               the               same               time               a               lot               has               changed               since               1946.

    In               1946               the               world               emerged               from               World               War               II,               the               most               horrific               war               in               history,               and               was               still               digging               itself               out               of               the               devastation.

    The               war               killed               70               million               people               possibly               as               many               as               100               million               with               perhaps               three               to               four               times               more               wounded.

    Nations,               economies,               and               families               had               been               decimated.
                   The               United               States               stood               alone               as               the               world's               sole               "superpower"               and               the               only               nation               with               the               atomic               bomb.

    Russia               was               next               in               line               to               become               a               world               superpower               and               already               had               Eastern               Europe               under               communist               control.

    China               emerged               from               World               War               II               as               a               communist               country.

    In               response               to               the               perceived               growing               threat               of               communism               the               United               States               enacted               a               policy               of               "containment."               It               would               not               allow               communism               to               spread               any               further               in               the               world.
                   It               must               be               remembered               that               World               War               II               had               just               ended.

    The               leaders               of               the               US               and               other               nations               believed               that               in               the               decade               leading               up               to               the               war               the               free               nations               had               "appeased"               Adolf               Hitler               and               thus               allowed               him               to               plunge               the               world               into               war.

    The               US               determined               there               would               be               no               more               appeasement.

    The               Cold               War               had               begun.
                   THE               COLD               WAR
                   The               Cold               War               was               a               war               of               political,               economic,               and               moral               ideologies               between               Communist               Russia               and               its               satellite               countries               and               Democratic               United               States               and               its               allied               nations.

    We               already               know               who               "won"               but               let's               take               a               look               at               some               of               what               happened               during               the               Cold               War               years               1948-1990.
                   Berlin               Blockade               and               Airlift
                   Germany               was               divided               between               East               and               West               after               the               war.

    Russia               held               the               West               and               America               and               its               allies               the               East.

    Berlin               sat               in               the               communist               west               but               was               also               divided.

    East               Berlin               was               granted               land               and               air               corridors               but               in               June               1948               Russia               dictator               Josef               Stalin               blockaded               the               land               corridor               in               East               Berlin.

    His               intent               was               to               control               all               of               Berlin               by               starving               the               population               and               bankrupting               its               economy.
                   In               what               is               now               legendary,               Harry               Truman               ordered               a               round               the               clock               airlift               of               food               and               supplies               into               East               Berlin.

    Truman               calculated               that               Stalin               would               dare               no               resort               to               shooting               and               he               was               right.

    For               over               a               year               the               airlift               continued               at               its               height               13               tons               of               food               and               supplies               were               airlifted               into               the               city               on               a               daily               basis.

    East               Berlin               remained               safe               from               Russian               takeover.

    Stalin               lifted               the               blockade.

    Round               one               of               the               Cold               War               went               to               the               United               States.
                   The               Korean               War
                   Japan               controlled               Korea               during               World               War               II.

    When               the               war               ended               the               Russian               army               pushed               the               Japanese               down               the               Korean               peninsula               to               the               38th               parallel.

    That               became               the               dividing               line               between               Communist               North               Korea               and               Democratic               South               Korea.

    In               June               1950               North               Korean               forces               invaded               the               South.

    The               Korean               War               began.
                   Nearly               surrounded               in               their               capital               city               of               Pusan,               the               South               Koreans               were               on               the               verge               of               collapse               when               United               Nations               forces               led               by               the               United               States               counter-attacked               and               averted               disaster.

    After               regaining               the               initiative               US/UN               forces               ignoring               Chinese               intervention               threats               pushed               the               North               Koreans               back               across               the               38th               parallel               and               pinned               them               against               the               Yalu               River               on               the               Chinese               border.
                   Truman               and               everyone               else               believed               the               war               was               at               its               end.

    They               began               contemplating               the               "rehabilitation"               of               the               North               Koreans.

    It               was               not               to               be.
                   In               October               Communist               Chinese               forces               began               massing               on               the               border               and               then               in               November               they               clashed               with               American               troops               for               the               first               time.

    The               Chinese               threw               in               200,000               soldiers               and               forced               General               Douglas               MacArthur's               forces               to               go               on               the               defensive.

    In               the               longest               military               retreat               in               US               history               American               forces               fled               south               while               the               Chinese               forces               and               frigid               winter               weather               nipped               at               their               heels.
                   With               the               Chinese               in               the               fight               and               the               possibility               of               Russia               coming               in,               the               world               feared               World               War               III               moved               "ever               closer."
                   At               one               point               President               Truman               contemplated               using               the               atomic               bomb               to               end               the               war               but               analysis               indicated               that               it               would               be               ineffective               and               counterproductive.

    General               MacArthur               was               relieved               of               duty               for               his               disagreements               with               Truman               over               nuclear               and               conventional               bombing               of               the               Chinese.
                   By               January               1951               the               Chinese/North               Koreans               had               retaken               the               land               north               of               the               38th               parallel.

    For               six               months               the               opposing               forces               fought               a               see-saw               battle.

    Then               from               July               1951               until               July               1953               it               was               a               stalemate               war.

    An               armistice               was               signed               on               July               27,               1953               and               the               fight               ceased.

    The               war               has               never               officially               ended.

    The               threat               of               the               fight               resuming               still               looms               today.
                   The               1950s
                   During               the               1950s               the               "standard               operating               procedures"               of               the               Cold               War               were               formed.

    Russia               and               its               satellites               enacted               the               Warsaw               Pact               to               counter               NATO.

    The               Russians               created               their               KGB               to               counteract               America's               CIA.

    Both               countries               began               spying               on               one               another               with               secret               agents,               wire               taps,               and               spy               planes.
                   Meanwhile               The               CIA               overthrew               regimes               in               Iran               and               Guatemala               while               the               US               failed               to               intervene               in               an               anti-communist               revolt               in               Hungary.

    Egypt               took               over               the               Suez               Canal               while               the               US               refused               to               intervene.

    Russia               launched               its               Sputnik               satellite               and               sent               the               Cold               War               into               space.
                   In               Southeast               Asia               a               little               country               called               Vietnam               was               divided               into               North               and               South               at               the               17th               parallel.

    And               90               miles               from               Florida               Fidel               Castro               conquered               Cuba.

    Communism               was               nearly               at               America's               shores.
                   Bay               of               Pigs
                   In               his               1960               campaign               speeches               John               F.

    Kennedy               vowed               to               "expunge"               communism               from               Cuba.

    President               Eisenhower               had               already               approved               the               creation               of               a               special               paramilitary               force               to               overthrown               Castro               under               the               direction               of               the               CIA.

    When               Kennedy               took               office               he               approved               of               a               Cuba               invasion               on               the               beaches               of               an               area               called               "Bay               of               Pigs."               Many               of               Kennedy's               advisors               rejected               the               plan               but               because               they               knew               Kennedy               endorsed               it,               they               kept               quiet;               another               signature               characteristic               of               the               Cold               War.
                   On               April               15,               1961               unmarked               B-26               bombers               attacked               Castro's               airbases               but               failed               to               destroy               enough               planes               to               gain               air               superiority               for               the               anti-Castro               forces.

    Against               the               urging               of               the               CIA,               President               Kennedy               refused               to               order               more               strikes.
                   On               April               16               and               17               some               1400               anti-Castro               troopers               went               ashore               on               the               beaches               at               the               Bay               of               Pigs.

    It               was               a               disaster.

    Cuban               aircraft               strafed               ships               that               carried               communication               equipment               for               the               invaders.

    Landing               craft               were               grounded               on               a               coral               reef               that               the               CIA               failed               to               detect               in               its               planning.

    Local               militia               attacked               the               invaders               and               kept               them               pinned               down               until               Castro's               army               arrived.

    Less               than               200               of               the               1400               invaders               escaped;               1100               were               captured               and               slightly               more               than               100               were               killed.

    In               1962               Castro               exchanged               the               1100               for               US               medical               supplies.
                   The               Bay               of               Pigs               fiasco               and               Castro's               awareness               of               the               CIA's               operations               to               assassinate               him               (Operation               Mongoose)               served               only               to               draw               Cuba               and               the               Soviet               Union               closer               together.

    In               1962               the               Soviet               Union               deployed               nuclear               missiles               to               Cuba.
                   Cuban               Missile               Crisis
                   In               October               1962               the               US               learned               that               the               Soviet               Union               (in               reality               Russia)               had               begun               deploying               nuclear               missiles               in               Cuba.

    With               ranges               of               1000-2000               miles               the               missiles               could               easily               strike               the               US               mainland.

    The               deployment               by               Russia               was               in               response               to               US               nuclear               missiles               in               Turkey               and               in               response               to               the               Bay               of               Pigs               incident.
                   President               Kennedy               knew               he               couldn't               allow               nuclear               missiles               so               near               to               the               US               so               after               considering               other               options               he               ordered               a               naval               blockade               of               Cuba.

    US               naval               ships               stopped               all               Russian               vessels               inbound               to               Cuba.

    Meanwhile               secret               negotiations               were               underway               to               bring               the               crisis               to               an               end.

    Matters               almost               escalated               out               of               hand               when               a               U-2               spy               plane               was               shot               down               over               Cuba               and               another               "strayed"               into               Russian               airspace.

    Once               more               the               threat               of               World               War               III               loomed               large.
                   The               crisis               ended               when               a               deal               was               struck               to               "exchange"               missiles.

    The               US               missiles               would               be               removed               in               Turkey               and               Russia               would               remove               its               missiles               in               Cuba.

    President               Kennedy               was               hailed               a               hero               but               Americans.

    We               now               know               that               Russia               already               installed               tactical               nuclear               weapons               in               Cuba               in               the               event               of               another               invasion               and               that               there               were               40,000               Soviet               troops               in               Cuba               not               the               10,000               thought               by               Kennedy               and               his               staff.
                   The               Cuban               Missile               Crisis               is               considered               a               turning               point               in               the               Cold               War;               good               and               bad.

    As               a               result               of               both               sides               approaching               the               edge               of               the               precipice               the               famous               "hot               line"               was               installed               between               the               leaders               of               the               two               nations               and               both               sides               agreed               to               a               nuclear               test               ban.
                   However,               also               as               a               result               the               Soviet               Union               determined               to               catch               up               with               the               United               States               in               nuclear               arms.

    The               arms               race               escalated               and               the               Cold               War               grew               colder.

    Its               next               theater               of               operations               was               the               tiny               country               called               Vietnam.
                   THE               VIETNAM               WAR
                   The               Vietnam               War               was               fought               in               five               stages.
                   Stage               One               was               the               war               of               Vietnam               communist               nationalist               Ho               Chi               Minh               and               his               forces               against               the               army               of               France               which               held               Indochina               (Vietnam,               Laos,               and               Cambodia)               as               part               of               the               French               empire               since               1885.

    War               broke               out               between               France               and               Ho's               forces               in               1946               and               ended               in               1954               with               the               withdrawal               of               France               from               Indochina.

    The               United               States               paid               for               some               80%               of               France's               cost               to               retain               Vietnam.
                   According               to               the               Geneva               Accords               peace               treaty               Vietnam               was               divided               into               North               and               South.

    However,               Ho               Chi               Minh               was               still               determined               to               have               a               unified               Vietnam.
                   Stage               two               of               the               war               was               the               civil               war               between               North               and               South.

    With               the               approval               of               the               United               States,               South               Vietnam's               leader,               Ngo               Dihn               Diem               broke               the               Geneva               Accords               and               refused               to               hold               free               elections.

    The               South's               communists               revolted               and               fighting               broke               out.

    To               fight               the               insurgency               the               United               States               gave               the               South               billions               of               dollars               and               hundreds               of               military               advisors.

    North               Vietnam,               aided               by               the               Soviet               Union               and               China,               responded               in               kind.
                   Stage               three               began               in               1961               with               the               insurgency               escalated               into               full               scale               war.

    North               Vietnam               increased               its               support               of               its               southern               comrades               and               President               Kennedy               expanded               the               role               of               US               military               advisors               in               the               south.

    Also,               after               losing               confidence               in               Ngo               Dihn               Diem,               Kennedy               authorized               a               coup               by               South               Vietnamese               military               officers.

    The               overthrow               ended               in               Diem's               murder               on               November               2,               1963.

    Kennedy               was               furious               but               he               didn't               have               time               to               respond.

    He               was               assassinated               20               days               later               on               November               20,               1963.

    It               would               be               up               to               Lyndon               B.

    Johnson               to               decide               what               to               do               with               Vietnam.
                   The               coup               resulted               in               South               Vietnam               erupting               into               political               chaos               which               North               Vietnam               exploited.

    It               stepped               up               its               aid               to               the               southern               insurgents.

    In               August               1964               US               destroyers               in               the               waters               off               Vietnam,               Gulf               of               Tonkin,               battled               North               Vietnamese               torpedo               boats               and               sank               one.

    Two               days               later               naval               officers               reported               the               destroyers               were               fired               upon               by               North               Vietnamese               vessels.

    We               now               know               the               second               report               was               false.
                   Nevertheless               three               days               later               the               two               incidents               precipitated               the               August               7               Gulf               of               Tonkin               Resolution               in               an               almost               unanimous               vote               by               the               US               Congress.

    The               resolution               bestowed               war               powers               upon               President               Johnson.

    Without               a               declaration               of               war               he               could               use               "whatever               means               necessary"               including               military               force               to               assist               any               allied               country               in               Southeast               Asia.

    It               was               carte               blanch.
                   By               early               1965               it               looked               as               if               South               Vietnam               was               going               to               collapse.

    In               response               President               Johnson               ordered               the               bombing               of               North               Vietnam               and               began               sending               US               ground               troops               to               South               Vietnam.

    Then               in               November               1965               US               combat               troops               fought               their               first               battle               with               the               army               of               North               Vietnam.

    The               battle               of               Ia               Drang               was               an               overwhelming               US               tactical               victory.

    General               Westmoreland               reportedly               predicated               the               war               would               end               by               1967.

    Many               of               America's               allies               sent               troops               (not               Canada               or               the               UK).

    Russia               and               China               stepped               up               aid               to               North               Vietnam.

    The               war               became               an               international               battlefield.

    Stage               four               of               the               Vietnam               War               had               begun.
                   Stage               Four               was               a               bloody               stalemate.

    US               soldiers               won               nearly               every               battle               they               fought               but               the               communists               were               expert               at               retreat,               concealment,               and               dispersion.

    US               commanders               couldn't               devise               any               clear               cut               strategy               for               victory.

    President               Johnson               escalated               the               bombing               but               to               no               strategic               importance.

    Billions               of               dollars               flowed               into               South               Vietnam               and               then               disappeared               amidst               the               chaos               and               corruption.

    By               the               end               of               1967               there               was               no               end               in               sight               to               the               war.

    Young               Americans               back               home               grew               restless
                   On               January               31               1968               the               communists               attacked               100               cities               in               South               Vietnam               in               what               is               known               as               The               Tet               (Vietnamese               New               Year               holiday)               Offensive.

    The               early               attacks               caught               US               and               allied               off               guard.

    General               Westmoreland's               headquarters               was               attacked               as               was               the               US               Embassy               in               Saigon               (South               Vietnamese               capital).

    The               US               quickly               recovered               and               utilizing               massive               firepower               threw               back               the               attackers               but               in               the               city               of               Hue               fierce               fighting               continued               for               a               month.

    All               of               that               was               seen               on               American               television.

    The               American               public               was               shocked.
                   Despite               the               near               decimation               of               the               communist               forces               by               US               troops               it               seemed               like               a               victory               for               North               Vietnam.

    American               public               opinion               turned.

    Lyndon               Johnson               was               too               worn               out               to               run               for               re-election.

    Richard               Nixon               became               President               of               the               United               States.
                   Stage               five               began               in               1969               when               President               Nixon               started               the               first               US               troop               withdrawals               and               peace               talks               began               with               North               Vietnam.

    He               also               initiated               "Vietnamization"               the               process               of               getting               South               Vietnam               strong               enough               to               fight               the               war               itself.

    It               was               also               the               beginning               of               Nixon's               détente               (easing               of               tensions)               with               the               Soviet               Union               and               his               rapprochement               (coming               together)               with               China               (PRC).

    The               US               had               won               the               space               race               and               in               July               landed               men               on               the               moon.
                   Nixon               didn't               want               to               be               bothered               with               the               Vietnam               War               any               longer.

    He               ordered               secret               bombings               of               communist               bases               in               neutral               Cambodia.

    Then               in               1970               all               out               attacks               into               Cambodia               brought               the               expansion               of               the               war               to               light.

    Many               sectors               of               the               American               public               and               government               were               outraged.

    Protests               on               American               college               campuses               were               legion.
                   When               students               were               killed               at               Kent               State               and               Mississippi               State               the               US               Congress               gave               Nixon               a               deadline               to               remove               troops               from               Cambodia.

    The               Congress               repealed               the               Gulf               of               Tonkin               Resolution.

    America               would               get               out               of               Vietnam               but               when               North               Vietnam               launched               an               offensive               in               1972               Nixon               resumed               bombing.
                   When               peace               talks               broke               down               Nixon               again               ordered               North               Vietnam               bombed               on               what               is               now               known               as               the               1972               Christmas               Day               Bombing.

    Peace               talks               resumed               in               early               1973               and               an               agreement               was               reached               for               the               withdrawal               of               US               troops.

    America's               Vietnam               War               was               over.
                   In               1974               President               Nixon,               once               a               hero,               resigned               from               office               in               shame               following               the               Watergate               Scandal.
                   On               May               1,               1975               Saigon               fell               to               North               Vietnam               and               Vietnam               was               unified               after               30               years               of               war               in               which               millions               of               people               were               killed.
                   STRATEGIC               ARMS               LIMITATION               TREATY               (SALT)
                   From               a               series               of               meetings               held               in               Helsinki               and               Vienna               came               the               first               Strategic               Arms               Limitation               Treaty               or               SALT               I.

    Richard               Nixon               and               Russian               Leonid               Brezhnev               signed               the               first               ABM               treaty               in               1972.

    Then               between               1977               and               1979               Jimmy               Carter               and               Brezhnev               engaged               in               a               series               of               talks               which               culminated               with               SALT               II               which               forbid               either               side               from               developing               new               nuclear               weapons.
                   However,               after               Russia               invaded               Afghanistan               in               1979               the               US               Senate               failed               to               ratify               the               treaty.

    Afghanistan               turned               into               Russia's               "Vietnam."               Meanwhile               the               US               plunged               into               its               own               crisis.

    On               November               4,               1979               militant               Muslims               in               Iran               stormed               and               took               control               of               the               US               Embassy               in               Tehran.

    Fifty-three               American               hostages               were               held               captive               until               January               20,               1981.
                   For               30               years               the               US               and               the               Soviet               Union               had               used               the               world               as               their               chess               board.

    The               pigeons               were               coming               home               to               roost.
                   RONALD               REAGAN
                   Ronald               Reagan               took               his               first               oath               of               office               on               January               20,               1981,               yes,               that               same               day               the               Iran               hostages               were               released.

    We               learned               later               that               it               was               part               of               an               illegal               deal               to               sell               weapons               to               Iran               and               to               fund               insurgents               in               Nicaragua               (Iran-Contra               Scandal).
                   From               the               start               Reagan               took               a               hard               line               toward               the               Soviet               Union.

    He               called               it               the               "Evil               Empire"               (from               Star               Wars!?).

    Reagan               trashed               détente               and               ordered               a               massive               build               up               of               the               US               military.

    Together               with               Britain's               Prime               Minister               Margaret               Thatcher,               Reagan               began               a               campaign               to               dismantle               the               Soviet               Union.

    He               predicted               that               communism               would               be               left               on               the               "trash               heap               of               history."
                   With               Reagan's               approval               the               US               provided               secret               and               public               assistance               to               anti-communist               forces               around               the               world.

    In               1983               and               in               defiance               of               previous               treaties,               Reagan               started               the               US               on               the               road               toward               a               national               nuclear               defense               system               (SDI               or               Star               Wars               as               the               press               called               it.)
                   By               the               end               of               Reagan's               second               term               Soviet               economic               turmoil               was               beyond               repair               in               part               because               of               Reagan's               military               build-up               and               Russia's               inability               to               keep               up.

    Also,               in               1985               a               Soviet               reformer               named               Mikhail               Gorbachev               came               to               power               in               Russia.

    Reagan               and               Gorbachev               held               several               summit               meetings.

    It               was               to               Gorbachev               that               Reagan               said               in               1987,               in               Berlin,               "Mr.

    Gorbachev,               tear               down               this               wall."
                   In               1989               the               Berlin               Wall               was               torn               down.

    In               1991               the               Soviet               Union               collapsed.

    The               Cold               War               had               ended.

    A               new               war               was               about               to               begin.
                   David               McCullough:               TRUMAN               
                   Kenneth               T.

    Walsh:               Ronald               Reagan               
                   New               York               Times               
                   Paul               Johnson:               A               History               of               the               American               People               
                   Paul               S.

    Boyer:               Oxford               Companion               to               United               States               History               
                   Robert               Dallek:               Flawed               Giant:               Lyndon               Johnson               and               His               Times,               1961-1973

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